Míonna agus Orduimhreacha | Cúla4 Ar Scoil |
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Mata | Am | Naíonáin | Tomhais | Cuireann Orla 'Amhrán na Míonna' i gcuimhne dúinn agus ansin díríonn sí ar ord na míonna. Tá na h-orduimhreacha tábhachtach d'ord na míonna nó ord aon rud, ar nós rás carranna! Tá an rang seo dírithe ar dhaltaí ó na naoínáin. Orla reminds us of the 'Months of the Year' song, and then she focuses on the order of the months. Ordinal numbers are very important to count out the order of the twelve months, or the order of anything like who wins the car race she plays! This class is aimed at students from the infant classes. Cúla4 Ar Scoil | Ábhar - Mata | Téama - Sa Bhaile